Health first: why monitoring indoor air quality matters

Whether or not you realise it in your day to day life, the quality of the air you breathe, both inside and outdoors, can significantly impact your health, the environment and the economy. According to the Department of the Environment and Energy, Australians spend an average of about 90% of their time indoors, be it in their homes, workplaces, shopping malls, hospitals or schools. As such, more and more families and businesses have opted to consult specialists who monitor, analyse and control the quality of their indoor air.

What do air quality consultants do? 

In monitoring, air quality experts assess the temperature, humidity, ventilation, draft, and the type of airborne substances, vapours or gases that are present in any given indoor environment. They then determine whether these factors are having a negative impact on the short and long term health of any regular occupants of the building and whether they may be damaging the environment as a whole. The final step involves advising about and introducing continued monitoring and air pollution control technology to mitigate any ill effects. 

Why is indoor air monitoring important?

Some forms of air contaminants can be infectious, toxic, allergenic, or generally harmful to the wellbeing of different individuals. As buildings become increasingly sealed off from the outside environment, these potentially dangerous substances are existing in ever higher concentrations. While immediate health effects may include headaches, drowsiness, hypersensitivity, irritation of the skin, eyes and senses, allergic reactions, and neurotoxic or other symptoms, often more serious health issues can arise in the long term. Illnesses such as various forms of cancer and respiratory diseases have been found to be linked to continuous exposure to fibres like asbestos and chemicals like formaldehyde. Other air pollutants include microbial contamination, fungi, dust mites, and more. While the impact on health has not been extensively researched in Australia, the effects are generally clear to see.

Extending from the effects on health and safety, poor air quality can ultimately cost individuals, businesses and the economy as a whole a great deal of money. The expenses associated with hospitalisation, treatment of sicknesses, early deaths and days taken off from work because of indoor air pollutants can be avoided. For these reasons, having air quality consultants monitor, examine and attempt to control the indoor air quality of any place you or your family might find yourself in frequently is a smart step. The peace of mind of knowing you're safe is more than worth the costs.  

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Learning to use energy more efficiently

We have a lot of devices going in our home. I'm trying to encourage the household to be more efficient about turning off devices that they aren't using and not leaving devices in 'standby' mode unless they will need to flick it back on soon. There are some great online resources that you can use to check out how much energy that you are using and some ways that you can easily reduce your energy usage. This blog should be useful for anyone who is looking to reduce the energy usage in a family home, with simple and practical tip, including information on upgrading home appliances and more.