A Guide to Utilising Bore Water to Reduce Your Household's Environmental Impact

Bore water is groundwater which is located inside naturally-occurring underground pockets known as 'aquifers' and accessed via a process called bore drilling. If you live in an area where droughts and water shortages are a common occurrence, then it may be worth looking into ways to access the groundwater on your property. Here are some of the things you should be aware of if you decide to do this.

Benefits of using bore water

It's important to have a responsible attitude towards the usage of natural resources. Using excessive amounts of over-ground mains water for all of your household's needs can be wasteful; not only will it raise your water bills, it also contributes to drought and can increase your carbon footprint (enormous amounts of electricity are required to chemically treat and pump mains water through pipeline networks).

As such, if you're concerned about the environment, it makes sense to utilise any available groundwater located on your property. The water stored in the aforementioned aquifers is simply sitting, unused, beneath the ground. Making use of this untapped resource is a great way to increase your household's self-sufficiency and reduce its carbon footprint. Additionally, during periods of drought, you won't have to worry about running short of water for everyday household activities

Gaining access to groundwater is an especially good idea if you run a farm and therefore require large amounts of water on a daily basis, for the purposes of irrigating crops, washing farm machinery and watering livestock. Even in instances where the bore water is not suitable for human or animal consumption, it can instead be utilised for things like watering gardens, cleaning farming equipment, washing vehicles and flushing toilets, meaning that it will still reduce the pressure your household's daily actions place on the mains water supply.

How to use bore water

The way in which your household uses bore water will depend on the condition of the land on which you live. In some areas, this water can be polluted with agricultural or industrial run-off or naturally-occurring substances such as iron and boron. The former is often present in areas where mining takes place and whilst not toxic, can affect the taste of drinking water and result in stained garments when it is used to wash clothing. The latter is sometimes found in areas with geothermal springs and can be poisonous when consumed in large quantities.

If the bore water is clean and fit for human consumption, you can use for everything from drinking and food preparation, to showering and irrigating crops. If it is found to be contaminated, then it may only be suitable for specific activities, such as those mentioned above. You can have the water tested for microbiological and chemical contamination by a professional water testing lab if you're unsure whether or not it is safe  to use. Generally speaking, if you only intend to use the water for things like flushing the toilet or washing your car, and it is colourless, odourless and has a pH of more than five, you do not need to have it analysed.

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Learning to use energy more efficiently

We have a lot of devices going in our home. I'm trying to encourage the household to be more efficient about turning off devices that they aren't using and not leaving devices in 'standby' mode unless they will need to flick it back on soon. There are some great online resources that you can use to check out how much energy that you are using and some ways that you can easily reduce your energy usage. This blog should be useful for anyone who is looking to reduce the energy usage in a family home, with simple and practical tip, including information on upgrading home appliances and more.