3 Things Homeowners Should Know about Their Grease Trap

Just because you know you have a grease trap, that doesn't mean you know what one does, how it works, and what parts may breakdown over time and require replacement. Here are three things that every homeowner should know about their grease traps, including signs something is going wrong with it.

Grease Trap Use

Most people know that a grease trap helps filter the wastewater from kitchens, but there is a little more to the process than that. A grease trap has baffles, filters, and separators that take the oil and remove it so water can flow through to the septic tank or sewage line. The grease is held in the trap until it is ready to be cleaned out, which should be done on a routine basis based on the size of the trap.

Types of Traps

There are a few types of grease traps. The first is the traditional grease interceptor or residential trap. This is likely the type you have at your home and will be dealing with. There are also larger traps that are created out of concrete, similar to a septic tank, and automatic models that use motorised and automatic removers to separate the oil from the water.

If you are unsure of the type of trap you have, consider contacting a grease trap cleaning company to have yours checked and cleaned. This will let you know the type you have as well as anything you need to know about maintaining it.

Recognising the Issues

One of the key points you need to keep in mind is how to recognize issues with your grease trap. If your grease trap overflows or backs up, you could end up with the oil coming back into your kitchen pipes and causing even more issues within the household. One of the first signs that your grease trap may be having issues is an odor. If you start noticing a strong odor similar to rotting food or rancid oil, then you may have a blockage or a full tank.

Another sign that your trap is having issues is slow drainage. If you have cleared your kitchen drains and the wastewater still seems to be moving slow or standing, then you may have a blockage in the grease trap or the trap may need cleaning.

These are just three of the things homeowners should know about their grease traps. If you aren't sure how long it has been since yours was cleaned, consider contacting a technician such as No Fuss Liquid Waste today. They can answer questions, clean the trap, and get you off to the right foot with your maintenance routine.

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Learning to use energy more efficiently

We have a lot of devices going in our home. I'm trying to encourage the household to be more efficient about turning off devices that they aren't using and not leaving devices in 'standby' mode unless they will need to flick it back on soon. There are some great online resources that you can use to check out how much energy that you are using and some ways that you can easily reduce your energy usage. This blog should be useful for anyone who is looking to reduce the energy usage in a family home, with simple and practical tip, including information on upgrading home appliances and more.